This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Well, this was one of those weeks where I thought would never end. Nothing happened, and I thought I had some really SLOW students this week. I just had the urge to shake them and say, DONT BE STUPID!!!! But I didnt, thank God. My student Emry bought me dinner tonight. We had Korean food and she paid my share. She really didnt even want a lesson. She walked in, and I was munching on cookies and she said, DONT EAT! Am I the last student? And I said yes, and she said, how about going for dinner afterwards? And I said, Sure. and she said, I am paying for you! And I said, no, you dont have to, but she shushed me. And we had 15 mins of lessons, and she said, ok I'm hungry, lets go. It was a nice dinner, we had a good time chatting.
I got chocolates from Shana and Rajan today. That was a really nice surprise. It's always nice when students surprise me with a note, or a piece of candy. It totally makes my day.
A friend of mine recently told me I think negatively a lot. I had to pause and take stock of that statement. And it's not negative about things. It's negative thoughts about myself. I give off the impression that I have no confidence in myself and my abilities. And I was told I think too much. By TWO people who dont know each other. Hmmm, I guess it's something I may have to address. But I am glad they told me.
Anyway, I guess I'm looking forward to this weekend. There will be another recording session at Joy Partners, and I'm looking forward to helping and observing again.


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