This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

I guess there will always be a first for everything. I got in a car accident yesterday evening. It was stop and go traffic on the 57N and the car in front of me stopped and I didnt react on time to stop my car, and I rear ended them. I was freaking out and panicking, because I didnt know what to do, and it was my nightmare come true kinda thing. I called Lu and she called Joel and he was very nice and came out to help me. But by that time, the traffic cop was already there and I was a little more calm. For a moment there, I didnt know who to call because I didnt have anyone close to me. But I'm glad I for Lu and Joel who came to my rescue. He stayed with me and looked at the car and told me what to do. I was shaking the whole time. I know this happens often, but this is my first time, and I hope my ONLY time! My car needs to be towed to be repaired, but the other car didnt look very scratched to me! So I had to call the insurance company and call the car dealership and everything, and then I had to get Dave to give me a ride to Chino Hills because there were some pressing things that needed to get done. And then when I was done, I had to call Lu to come get me to take me home. I didnt realize how much hassle it is not to have a car! I have become so dependent on it that without it, I feel very helpless. But I also thank God for friends who have come to my rescue. I had to cancel classes in La Habra today and I was going to do the calling myself, but when Aura found out, she also helped me call some of my students, and I really appreciated that. So now I need to rent a car because I cant do without one, and I think I will rent it from the dealership because I think they will give me a better deal. I hope they dont take too long to repair my poor little car.
Sunday's recital went really well. It was a very very long day though, and I was running around from 9 am to about 6.30 pm. My students did pretty well. They did not choke nor did they freak out when they made mistakes, which made me very proud of them. One girl, Priscilla, was supposed to play one piece twice, the second time at a higher octave, but she forgot and stopped after playing it once. She put her hands down on her lap, then she put them back on, and I thought to myself, NO! Dont play it again! But she started her second piece instead, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I asked her on Monday when she remembered she forgot to play the piece the second time, and she said, as soon as she put her hands down after the first piece. And I said, I am SO proud of you that you went on even after you knew you made the mistake. There were a few very cute moments. Synthia, another teacher, had a very young class of 3 year olds and they were on stage with their parents, and they sang and danced and played the keyboards, and they were just all round very very cute. Joshua's class did very well. They were one of the best group performances, and I was very proud of him!
I ate like 5 cheetos the whole day because I just didnt have time to sit down and eat anything, but after the whole recital, Synthia invited all of us who helped, Jerry, Doug, myself and Aura for dinner at The Boat, which is a Thai food place. It was a great time, and I had fun just hanging out with them, even though I think we were all so tired we were about to fall asleep eating.
This week is Spring Break week, which is great because I dont have to worry about going places and pressing time. I still have plans for the beach and Universal Studios, and hanging out with Shana and Rajan, 2 of my students, and their mom.
This will be a boring weekend, because I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I guess the TV will just have to do. Maybe I'll go for a walk or something. We'll see. Anyway, blessed Easter!


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