This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I lost another 2 pounds! That makes my total so far 17 pounds! I'm so excited. I want to see if I can lose up to 20 pounds, and then figure out if I can lose more. This does make me feel good. And people have commented that they can tell that I've lost weight. Yay yay yippee!
I just came back from having dinner with my students, Shana and Rajan and their mom. We went to Red Robin, which is like a upscale hamburger place. It was nice to hang out with them outside of class. Sometimes it's hard to chat with their mom because I am on a time crunch, and I dont want to take any time away from their lesson, but their mom and I have become friends, and so it's nice to just chat with her about stuff. She thought I was 22! I was so thrilled. She didnt believe it when I told her I am 31. Then after that we went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream. Poor Rajan. He's 9 I think, and the color of this one ice cream really tempted him, and he got it, and then he didnt like it, because it was Daiquiri ice cream and it had a rum taste in it! It was quite funny. His mom had to help him finish enough of it so he could eat the cone.
I think their mom wants to go out for dinner with just me one time just to chat, because it was hard to have a decent conversation with the kids around. But we'll see. They've already invited me to Shana's birthday party.
Tomorrow a few of the teachers are going to another teacher, Jerry's house for lunch, and then he's thinking of going shopping at a outlet mall. And then on Thursday, Charisse, Aura and I are going to Universal Studios for the day! I'm so excited!!!
But I kinda wish I had left a day or 2 free just for myself. I have to work in the mornings still, so the afternoon off would be nice. But whatever it is, it's still nice to do things I normally wouldnt have time to do. I wish my break was longer though! Because I have more stuff I want to do and I dont have time to do it! I think I need a break after my break!


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