This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, May 17, 2004

So Chilin is going to take Lu and Joel and Joshua to the airport. He volunteered after Lu told him how scared I was about driving their car and about getting lost. YAY!!!!!!! I have never been so relieved. I do have to pick them up from the airport but that's ok. I know how to get there. After that, Joel can drive, or he can tell me how to get out of there. OR, Chilin might volunteer again to pick them up because their insurance may not cover me driving their car. I just found out tonight when Lu told me, and I felt so much better.
Lu and I chatted about things she wanted to bring back from Singapore, and she said she wanted to get some Chinese songs on CD. She mentioned Deng Li Jun. I think it's Theresa Teng? And she asks me, do you have any? I looked at her in amazement and said, ME?? And we both bust out laughing. She was laughing at my expression, and I was laughing at the absurdity of that question. And we talked somemore, and then we smelled something nasty like rotten eggs. Apparently, Shari, her dog, farted, so I had to go home because the small was awful. It was really funny.
Joshua did the ultimate kid thing last week. He found a pair of scissors and cut a chunk of his hair off. I just noticed it tonight because it was dry, and I asked him about it. He said, I was looking for my toy and then I saw the scissors and I took it and I cut my hair. So I asked him, did mommy get angry? And Lu said, YES! So now he has uneven hair in the front. It was really funny.
I will be playing the piano for a wedding at church on May 29th. Holly is the daughter of Bart and Judy Ketterling, and they are wonderful people. I'm really excited, it's been a long time since I played for a wedding.
Tomorrow will be a long day, so I'm about to call it quits and go to bed. Goodnight!!


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