This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I think Yuko and I bonded a little last week. We were talking about family and growing up and we realized that we had some things in common. For one, we were really close to our grandmas. And we talked about a lot of things over dinner and it was really good to hear about her. We plan to hang out during the vacation.
The Potts family is putting up a concert/worship session this coming Sunday evening. I am helping them play the keyboard. We had a rehearsal last Sunday and it was great. We recorded it and each of us got a CD to listen to during the week. My favorite is Jeff's version of the Lord's Prayer. He composed a new tune for it, and it is SO pretty. As we were practising, a family walked in, and they were from Mexico. Apparently the church supports them and they had come all the way to visit the church. They thought we had services at night, but we dont. If they had come any other week, the church would have been closed. But they came the week we happened to be practising! That is such a miracle from God. They wanted to see some people, and Dana managed to get them on the phone and they came to the church starightaway to visit with them a little.
After practise, we went to ColdStone Ice cream to get some icecream, and then I drove home. The exit that I usually take was closed, and I had to go round and round till I found the next exit. By that time I was so frazzled I wanted to scream. But I got home safely and that's all that matters.
I got a card from Stephanie, and it was a beautiful card. It is in Spanish because she got this card in Mexico when she volunteered there for 2 months. It says, "This day is special and always, I would love to give you all the good things life has to offer. But because I cannot, I will give you what I have prepared for you. I will encourage you in everything you do, Happiness in everything you will accomplish, communion with your desires, Hope for the future, and friendship and love now and forever." She translated this on the side of the card. And then she gave me a check for $30 to get a necklace I told her I wanted to get but didnt because I thought it cost too much. On the check memo it said, Go get that necklace! She's an awesome person and a wonderful friend. I told her that when she figures out when her recital is, to let me know, and I will be there.
I was watching Will and Grace, and in my opinion, the character Karen Walker is the most sensible and sensitive of all characters. Thought I'd just throw that one in.
Gotta get to bed, gotta get up eatly tomorrow to go to work. Chilin's request. Goodnight!


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