This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Remember the comment about gas prices coming down? Well FORGET IT! It's gone back past 2 bucks per gallon again! If you ask me, this sucks!
Aura and I went for a concert last night in Universal City. It was a group called M-Pact. They are an acapella group of 6 guys. They are pretty good, I have to say.
Vacation has started, and I havent really had a vacation yet! I dont have to teach, HOORAY, but I do have to do some other stuff for Chilin, who is out of town right now. We're still planning to go to Universal Studios again, and on Monday I think Lu will take Joshua and I to Disneyland.
Other than that, my week's been pretty good. I'm going to get another massage today. I CANT WAIT!!! My back's hurting again and I woke up this morning with my shoulders tight and cramped. I'll let you know how it goes later!
I cant believe it's only 8.20 am. But like I said, I woke up because my shoulders hurt. So I think I'm going to try to go back to bed. I can, because I'M ON VACATION!!!!


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