This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Well, it really was a nice day yesterday. I didnt go to work at all because I didnt want to, and I didnt have to, and besides, it's vacation time! So I stayed home and cleaned. And watched lotsa TV.
Then I went to get me another massage, and Oh man, it felt so good to finally get the kinks out of my shoulders again. I think I worked my massage therapist too hard because I was really tense to start with. But I feel much better now, and I actually slept very well yesterday night. Didnt want to wake up this morning, unlike the rest of the days, when I was woken up because my shoulder muscles hurt so bad. I think massages are underrated. Everyone should go get one some point in their lives because it makes one feel so much better after that. At least I feel a lot better!
Then I went out dinner with a friend whom I met through work. We had Chinese food. Buffet to be exact, and it was good. They had the one shrimp dish I really like, and havent had since I went to Mr Yen's in Springfield, MO. I didnt think about it until just now, when I was thinking about it, and now I wish I had more of it! And I dont know why, I've developed a taste for this chicken and mushroom dish that's always present in the Chinese buffets. Anyway, we had a good time chatting. So all in all, it was a nice evening.
So now I'm getting ready to go to Ventura. The church is starting the 40 Days of Purpose series tomorrow, and will go on for the next 6 weeks. I was put in a group that meets at 11 am, during the 11 am service time, which is great, because then I dont have to worry about getting up to Ventura earlier or staying later or things like that. It should be good.
Have a great weekend!


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