This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Lu, Joshua and I went to Disneyland today. I was asked to go to their house at 9 am this morning, and I found out I was to do the driving because Lu didnt want to. I got there a little later than 9 because I could not wake up this morning. I was too tired from yesterday. And besides, I knew they wouldnt be ready anyway. And they werent!
But we got on the way, and it was a pretty easy trip. I didnt think Disneyland was that close to my house! As we were driving, there was a slow car in front of me, but I didnt say anything or try to change lanes just because I had other people in the car with me. But then it signaled and changed lanes, and I muttered, Good, get out of my way. And Lu heard me, and started laughing and laughing. I was like, what? And she goes, I do the same thing! That made me feel better! I tend to talk to the other drivers as I am driving. Sometimes, I call them names too. But that's neither here nor there.
So we got there and I got a year pass where I can go to both Disneyland and California Adventure in one day. And we went to CA Adventure first because we wanted to go for the Soarin' Over California ride. It is an awesome ride. Nothing scary, because it's all simulator, but it takes you to the different parts of CA. We got a fast pass for it, AND went and queued for another ride. All in all, we sat that ride twice. Then we went to sit some water ride, TWICE, where I got wet. I am the last person to want to get wet, but I always seem to get the wettest. Joshua wanted to get wet so badly, and he did get wet, but he didnt get a whole spray of water on his back like yours truly did. And that was the first time! Then we had to go back the second time and get even wetter. Then we sat some kiddie ride which to me, wasnt so kiddie! I DO NOT like the feeling when we go down at a fast speed. Good thing we didnt sit that twice!
Then we went over to Disneyland and we rode a ton of rides. If I remember all the rides, we went on the Star Tours, Pirates of the Carribean, Small World, Splash Mountain (which we queued an hour for! And I didnt even want to get on that ride!), Alice in Wonderland, Jungle Cruise, and they went on Autopia which I didnt go to. I'm sure we went on some other rides, but I dont remember now. Everything is one big blur because I am SO TIRED. This is the first time I've ridden on so many rides in one trip. We never went shopping, we stopped a little for lunch, but we packed a full day today! But it was fun. As we were queueing for the Splash Mountain ride, Joshua made a friend. He's a little kid about Joshua's age, and they had a great time playing with each other and talking to each other. At least it kept them from being bored as we were waiting.
Anyway, it was a great day. I'm tired, but I'm happy, because I went to Disneyland! I would love to go back again, now that I have a year pass.
So I'm going to end here because I'm beat. Goodnight, y'all!


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