This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

I saw a pair of pants that I really really liked. Only problem was that it cost $58. I cant really justify buying a pair of pants that expensive, especially when payday is a few days away. I guess I should get it for the quality, and it is a very nice pair too, but I probably dont just want one, I might want one in another color too. We'll see. Maybe I'll feel up to shopping after I get paid in a few days.
Tonight was DDR night again, and it was pretty fun. We watched part of a movie about soccer. It's a British movie and for the life of me, I cant remember what the title is. It's something to do with Beckham. That's all I remember. I'm getting better at DDR, and it's really very fun. Great exercise too.
Charisse has a dog named Princess. I think she likes me. She jumped on me and wouldnt get off. I guess it's because I was scratching her the whole time. Kinda like Baober.
Ate 2 bars of chocolate today. Yum. I guess I've used up my quota of chocolate this week. Sigh.


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