This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, March 05, 2004

I meant to write about the snow-capped mountains a few days ago but I forgot, so here it is. The mountains are snow-capped!!! They are so pretty, especially when you can see them on a clear day. I wish the snow would come down here some, but that's ok, I'm content to see them on the mountains.
I just got back from having dinner with Florence, the pastor's wife. I volunteer for her at Joy Partners. She invited me and my boss Chilin over for dinner, and Chilin brought along his younger daughter Mendie and his mom. It was fun. I watched the cartoon Hamtaro with Mendie. At first I thought it was really lame, but then I got into it, and I actually found some of it funny. We had one of the best ice-cream for dessert. And HUGE strawberries. I'm serious, they were so huge, they looked like mutant strawberries. But they were oh so sweet. Usually big strawberries are sour, but these werent.
I talked to Stephanie yesterday, and she's going to Mexico for the summer kinda like an internship I think. I am so proud of her that she has the desire to go there to minister to the children. I keep telling her we have people here in CA who need ministering, so she should come here instead, but she says the children in Mexico need her more. And I have to agree to that.
I love Stephanie. She's been there for me through thick and thin, and we met because I didnt understand why she made a certain choice, and when that choice went bad, I went over to console her, and that's how we became close. She was the one who taught me how to drive, so I blame her for my penchant for speeding. ;) We've had some really good times together. I spent a Thanksgiving with her and her family, and we went shopping the day after Thanksgiving, and it was an experience I will never forget. We got up at 5 am to go shopping at 6 am, and there was a line a mile long at Bass Pro. We didnt even need to walk, we were just being pushed along by the sea of people around us. But it was a really fun day, though it was tiring.
Steph cooked for me a lot, and she made the best chocolate covered pretzels. One time she made this summer squash dish which had beans in it. They were some beans that looked pink, so they looked like piglets. I said, oh there are beans, and she said, you dont like beans? I said, well, they're ok, I eat them, but they arent my favorite (FYI, I HATE peas.) But when I tried it, it was good, and I swore up and down that I liked it, but she told people I hated it because there were beans in it. It's been a standing joke since.
There's so much more to say about Steph, but it'll take days. I miss hanging out with her. She was my neighbor when I was in Bolivar, and it was so easy to walk across the parking lot to her apartment. I miss you, Steph!!! And I'm really happy for you for the opportunity God's given you to go to Mexico.
Ok, tomorrow is an early day, so I'm going to bed! Goodnight y'all!


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