This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The concert last night was wonderful! I know Jeff and Dana were stressed about it, but in the end, it was a blessing to everyone who went. I know everyone took something away with them. I had forgotten about the Teacher Song Jeff wrote, and I had tears in my eyes when he sang it. He did it as a solo, and he choked up midway too. The song talked about how there was a boy in your class, who was unkempt and a little rowdy, didnt dress too well, didnt know how to behave. But the love you show him as a teacher might be the only love he knows, and how he wishes he had a mama like you. Then there is this girl in your class, and all she wants to be is a teacher like you. I dont remember what the chorus says, but I will get a copy of it. It is a very true and touching song, I know the teachers in the congregation were all moved, but Jeff later told us about this guy who went up to him after the whole thing ended, and said, I really like that teacher song. I was a kid like that. But you know what? I think the reason why the whole concert/worship session was so blessed was because of where their hearts and focus were. They were totally on God, and the people knew it. Jeff gave background on each of his songs, and it was very interesting to hear how he got inspiration for each of them. At the end of it, the people were about to give them a standing ovation, in fact some people were already on their feet clapping, but Dana asked Mike Newman, the new Assoc pastor to close in prayer. And it quieted the tone of the whole thing down, and they didnt get the standing ovation they so deserve. Norma, Jeff's mom, said, I kinda wished they had gotten the standing ovation. But after thinking about it, I'm glad they didnt. Not because they didnt deserve it, but because it's not them. Their focus was not on themselves, but on God.
I wanted to talk about gas prices a long time ago, but I always forgot. You'd think that I'd remember, seeing how excited I was when I saw that they came down to below $2.00! I filled up tonight at $1.94/gallon. It was $1.92 a few days ago. So I'm thinking it's going up again. Well that stinks!
Chilin's out of town again, and so I'm holding on to his phone again. That's totally fine, but that means I have to work on my vacation again. That just means more money, which is great.
On Wednesday, I think Aura, Charisse and I are going to Universal Studios. It will be fun. We've been meaning to go ever since we got the free year pass in May. We keep saying we can go anytime, but we never seem to be able to find the time to go! And then next Monday, Lu, Joshua and I are going to Disneyland!! I'm really pumped about it too.
Tonight was a battle of wills between Lu and Joshua. Apparently, when I got there at 8.30 pm, Joshua hadnt had his dnner yet because he didnt want to or something like that. I didnt quite get the story. But anyway, she was mad at him, and he was stubborn and didnt want to eat.He took 2 bites and said he was full.So they took away his food. Which I thought was the smartest thing that they could have done. Sometimes, alternative measures of discipline work better than conventional means. But we shall see.
My sister Faith is pregnant. I'm going to be an aunt. That's wild. But you know what's wilder? My parents are going to be grandparents. Somehow, in my sinple mind, I never thought of my parents as becoming grandparents. But they are come next April. Wow.
I'm talking to my other sister, Ai, right now. She's really cool. She oftentimes encourages me when I am down. I talk to her at night, and I'm glad I do, because that's when I usually get a little down. But I am still very blessed. I have a fantastic family, and wonderful friends, who enrich and touch my life in many ways.
2 more days till vacation. I cant wait!!!


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